Word Colony® Gameplay


Drawing a card

At the beginning of each new round, before reading a question, the player will draw a new card from the box. The newly drawn card will be added to their hand and can be used freely along with the other cards.


Reading a question and the ABCD answer options

Without revealing their hand to others, the player will choose one of the Letter Cards or Black Cards in their hand to read aloud the question and the four possible A-B-C-D answers, without disclosing the correct answer.


Avoid repeating questions from previous rounds!

If a card has been used in a previous round to read its question, players cannot reuse the same card to read the question again in another round.

A player holding a card with a question that has already been used in a previous round may only use it to build words on the table.


Choosing the right answer

The other players will each use their four A-B-C-D Answer Cards to choose the option they think is correct.

After all players place their answer choice cards face down on the table, the player who read the question will reveal the correct option and everyone’s answers will be compared.

Joc Word Colony Editia Original in limba romana

Collecting the cards
All players who answered correctly will collect
new cards from the box, depending on the score of the card read. Players who answered incorrectly will not collect new cards this round. 


If no one answers correctly, the player who read the question will collect the cards for the round:
new cards from the box, depending on the score of the card they read from.

Good to know!

Try to pick a card with a question that you think the other players don’t know the correct answer to. That way, if everyone answers wrong, you’ll be the one collecting the cards for the round.

Was the question read from a Black Card?

If the card read from is a Black Card, no player will collect new cards this round.


Players who answer incorrectly will lose eithere






points, depending on the value of the Black Card, and must move their pawns backward on the scoreboard.


Players who answer correctly will not lose any points this round.

Joc de societate Word Colony

Good to know!

Despite being a disadvantage to the holder, Black Cards can be strategically used to make others lose points if they answer its question incorrectly.


Word-Building & Scoring

After the question round ends and other players collect their cards, the player can use their Special Cards (if they possess any), and start building as many words and Word Colonies as they want (or can), as well as expand or conquer words, develop Supercolonies, and initiate Decolonizations.

Building Words

Single words will be built horizontally, by partially overlapping the cards from left to right so that the letters are visible. e.g. FLOW. 

Only English words are valid. Players may use a mutually accepted dictionary, if needed. More about the allowed words here.

Game rules board game Word Colony Original Board Game created by Dorian Sarmasan, a romanian games designer and creative director. Word Colony board games are about general knowledge, trivia and word buildings, like crosswords or scrabble.

Scoring Overview in This Example

The player who built the word FLOW will now have a total score of 6 points F 2, L 1, O 1, W 2 and will move their pawn 6 steps forward on the scoreboard.

Expanding Words

Words can be expanded by adding additional letters to the end of the original word, to build new words with new meanings. Inserting Letter Cards at the beginning of the word is not allowed.

In a Word Colony, only the last existing word can be expanded. Expanding a word can be done by both the holder of the original word and also other players on their turn, earning points for the newly added letters. e.g. FLOW(ERS)

Word Colony Original Board Game created by Dorian Sarmasan, a romanian games designer and creative director. Word Colony board games are about general knowledge, trivia and word buildings, like crosswords or scrabble.

The word FLOWERS will still belong to the player who originally created the word FLOW, but they will not receive the additional 3 points for the letters -ERS.
Important Only the player who added the letters E 1, R 1, and S 1 will receive the 3 points.

Scoring Overview in This Example

The player who adds the new letters -ERS to expand the word FLOW, collects 3 points (E 1, R 1, S 1) and moves their pawn 3 positions forward on the scoreboard.

During their turn, players can even expand words and colonies held by other players, but only if they have already built at least one word of their own on the table, and their pawn is on the scoreboard.

Building Words Using Black Cards

The player can choose to use one or more Black Cards to build words. After building the word, they calculate the total score of all letters used. e.g. WONDER

Word Colony Original Board Game created by Dorian Sarmasan, a romanian games designer and creative director. Word Colony board games are about general knowledge, trivia and word buildings, like crosswords or scrabble

Scoring Overview in This Example

The player who built the word WONDER will now have a total score of 5 points (W2, O1, N1, D1, E1, R-1) and will move their pawn 5 positions forward on the scoreboard. The total score will be calculated taking into account the negative scores of the Black Cards as well. In this case the letter R-1.

Conquering Words

On their turn, each player can build as many individual words as they wish. However, they must keep in mind that single words can be conquered and drawn into a foreign colony, risking the loss of points.

A player may conquer a single word held by another player in the following two situations (A)or (B):

By expanding the word

If the player expands the existing single word by adding new letters with a higher total score. e.g. (WIN)EMAKER

Word Colony Original Board Game created by Dorian Sarmasan, a romanian games designer and creative director. Word Colony board games are about general knowledge, trivia and word buildings, like crosswords or scrabble

Scoring Overview in This Example

The player who expands the word WIN (4 points) originally created by another player by adding the letters -EMAKER (9 points) will conquer the word WIN and gain the 4 points from the other player.

The player who owns the new word WINEMAKER (13 points), will move their pawn forward 13 positions on the scoreboard, while the player who lost the word WIN (4 points), will lose the 4 points and move their pawn backward 4 positions.

By building a new word over it

If the player builds a higher-scoring word over the original existing word. e.g. (N)APKIN

Word Colony Original Board Game created by Dorian Sarmasan, a romanian games designer and creative director. Word Colony board games are about general knowledge, trivia and word buildings, like crosswords or scrabble

Scoring Overview in This Example

A player has built the word NAPKIN on top of the word WIN (4 points), held by another player, by adding the letters -APKIN, with a total value of 8 points. So they conquer the entire word WIN by building their own two-word colony and collect the 4 points from the player who originally owned the word WIN.

They will move the pawn 12 positions forward on the scoreboard.The player who lost the word WIN will lose its 4 points and move their pawn backward 4 positions on the scoreboard.

Good to know!

Words that are already part of a Colony cannot be conquered by another player. The Colony is protected.

A player can only conquer a single word held by another player if they have at least one word of their own already built on the table.

Building Word Colonies

A Word Colony is formed when a word is built on top of another single word. A Word Colony consists of at least 2 connected words.

The new word must begin with the last letter of the previous word. 

See e.g. WIN + (N)APKIN

Game rules board game Word Colony Original Board Game created by Dorian Sarmasan, a romanian games designer and creative director. Word Colony board games are about general knowledge, trivia and word buildings, like crosswords or scrabble.

The new word will be built perpendicular to the previous one, horizontally or vertically, depending on the position of the last existing word.

Good to know!

After building a single word, the player may immediately develop it into a Word Colony in the same round. They may also build other single words if they choose and have the opportunity.

Any player may build as many words as they wish during their turn, in any colony they choose, both their own and those owned by other players. The recommended thinking time is around 20 seconds. See the official rules of words alowed here.

Side Note

It is not allowed to insert Letter Cards under those already on the table. New words will always be built on top of those already on the table.

A Word Colony cannot have identical words. Within the same Colony only unique words will be allowed, without repeating an existing word. However, pluralities, similarities and other correct derivatives of the same base word within the same word colony are allowed (e.g. “ROOM”, “ROOMS”, “ROOMY”, “ROOMIE”, “ROOMED”, “ROOMER”) .

Once placed on the table, letters or words cannot be picked up or changed.

Following our example:

A new word could be built horizontally, perpendicular to the word NAPKIN, starting with the letter N at the end of the word.

Word Colony Original Board Game created by Dorian Sarmasan, a romanian games designer and creative director. Word Colony board games are about general knowledge, trivia and word buildings, like crosswords or scrabble

Scoring Overview in This Example

The player has chosen to build the word (N)EXT for which they will receive the corresponding score for the E 1, X 3 and T 1 letters (5 points in total) and will move the pawn 5 positions forward on the scoreboard.

Next, if another player wants to build a new word in the same Colony, the same rule applies. They can build perpendicular to the last word created in that colony, using the last letter, in this case the letter T to start a new word vertically.

Word Colony Original Board Game created by Dorian Sarmasan, a romanian games designer and creative director. Word Colony board games are about general knowledge, trivia and word buildings, like crosswords or scrabble

Scoring Overview in This Example

The new word (T)RY has been created vertically, by adding the R1 and Y2  letters with a total value of 3 points. The player will move forward the pawn 3 positions forward on the scoreboard.

Developing Supercolonies

When a player manages to develop a Word Colony to a minimum of 5 words, it becomes a Supercolony, and the player receives 5 extra points.

On their turn, players will announce that they have developed a Supercolony and then move their pawn 5 positions forward on the scoreboard.

The game round may continue, with additional words being added to and further developed within this Supercolony.

Game rules board game Word Colony Original Board Game created by Dorian Sarmasan, a romanian games designer and creative director. Word Colony board games are about general knowledge, trivia and word buildings, like crosswords or scrabble.

Side Note

In our example, the Word Colony formed on the word WIN became a Supercolony containing 5 words (3 horizontally: WIN, NEXT and YANK; and 2 vertically: NAPKIN and TRY).


The player who develops a Supercolony will receive an additional 5 points, regardless of whether it was built entirely by them or if other players contributed to its development.

On their turn, players can develop multiple Supercolonies, and subsequently build additional new words in the same round if desired.

If a player forgets to announce that they have reached 5 words in a Supercolony and collect their 5 points, they must wait until their next turn to do so.


If a Supercolony reaches or exceeds 10 words, the player who owns it may Decolonize, doubling the total score of the first word built in that Supercolony.

When a player decides to make a Decolonization, they will keep unfolded on the table only the LAST WORD built in that Supercolony, and the remaining words (whether 10 or more words) will be gathered and placed in a separate deck of cards.

The deck of gathered cards will still be owned by the player, but they cannot be reused in this game. See the example below:

The deck of gathered cards will be placed next to the remaining word on the table as a reminder that a Decolonization has been performed at that location.

After completing a Decolonization, the player will collect their points (x2 the score of the first word) and may continue building words in the same round if they choose.

Scoring Overview in This Example

The score of the entire word WIN will double. From 4 points (for the letters W2 I1 N1), it will now be worth 8 points.
The player holding this Supercolony will move the pawn 4 positions forward on the scoreboard.
The word kept on the table (e.g. OXEN) can still be used by the player(s), with the possibility of developing it into a new Word Colony. This word cannot be conquered by another player.


The player will earn double the points of all cards in the first word, regardless of whether the word was built entirely by him, or whether other players participated during the game in expanding that word.

Decolonization is optional and can only be performed on the turn of the player who owns the Supercolony (of at least 10 words) after they finish the question round.

If a player forgets to Decolonize, they will wait until their next turn.


End of round

The round ends after the player has finished building words on the table. If they choose not to build any new words or take any action related to words (such as expanding, conquering, or developing), they will say ‘PASS.’

The player to their left starts a new round by drawing a new card from the box and reading a question of their choice.


End of Game

The winner will be the first player to get their pawn to the FINISH line in the chosen game: Quick Game, Master Game, or Epic Game.

Word Colony Original Score Board

* Playing for the first time? We recommend starting with a Quick Game.
** Game time is only an estimate and may vary depending on the number of players and their general knowledge and game experience.

Alternatively, the winner will be the player with the most points if there are no more cards available in the box or if all players agree to end the game.

If there are no more cards available in the box, the game can continue by reshuffling and using cards from the trash pile, which are returned to the box.

Keep in mind for the final score:

If players reach the FINISH line with one or more Black Cards in hand, their negative score will reduce their total score on the scoreboard. They must move their pawn back on the scoreboard according to the total negative score from the Black Cards and continue the game. View more about Black Cards!

Got one or more Word Colony® Original expansions?
Explore game rules for using the expansions here:
Word Colony Original Board Game created by Dorian Sarmasan, a romanian games designer and creative director. Word Colony board games are about general knowledge, trivia and word buildings, like crosswords or scrabble.

Using Expansions

Have one or more Word Colony® expansions? Discover additional game rules and how you can use the expansions.

Word Colony® Original word-colony-original-icon
Aliante de joc in echipe Word Colony Original Board Game creat de Dorian Sarmasan

Creating Alliances

Choose your allies carefully and let the game begin!
Set your strategy and build impressive common word colonies.

Word Colony® Original word-colony-original-icon
Words Allowed in the game Word Colony Original, English edition created by Dorian Sarmasan in Romania EU Europe

Words Allowed

If you choose to play as objectively as possible, we recommend that you consider the official Word Colony® admitted words.

Word Colony® Original word-colony-original-icon
Glossary of terms Word Colony Original, English edition created by Dorian Sarmasan in Romania EU Europe

Exploring the Glossary

Unsure about certain terms in the game? Explore the glossary of terms used in Word Colony® games and expansions.

Word Colony® Original word-colony-original-icon

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